The Eklektikos Tarot

The Eklektikos Tarot is a work in progress... representing the diversity of symbology, through different cultures, historical and mythical characters among them. With nature and oneness as its core.

All the images are done in pencil colours, including the border.

Sunday 16 January 2011

The King of Swords

The King of Swords represented by Nebuchadnezzar II in the hanging gardens of Babylon.


  1. Предлагаю создать короля мечей в образе Чингисхана. Представляете, стоит грозный вождь в богатой одежде, с кривым ятаганом на поясе, на фоне роскошного шатра. На руке держит боевого сокола (символа воздушной стихии), с распахнутыми крыльями, готовясь взлететь в небо

  2. That's a very interesting suggestion.
    Some of the cards will change eventually, so the comment is more than welcome.
